sunsets over the beaches

Such a perfect way to unwind after a big day shooting with the Style crew at Sunshine Plaza for the centre’s Christmas magazine. We enjoyed this breathtaking sunset over a wine at Caloundra’s Rumba Resort while uploading and editing our pics.

a taste of sa

What a wonderful day of food and wine as we headed up to the Adelaide Hills for a tasting at Bird in Hand before driving through to the Barossa for lunch at Maggie Beer’s Farm Shop and a quick visit to Jacob’s Creek. I heart South Australia.


central market

I was lucky to squeeze in a spontaneous trip to Adelaide this weekend to visit family. This afternoon, I could not resist the opportunity for a little visit to Central Market to check out the amazing foods on offer including these deliciously vibrant macaroons.

sydney town

It was swell to head down to Sydney over the weekend. Although we visited the picturesque sites of the Harbour Bridge, Opera House + Bondi Beach, I was even more preoccupied with snapping the beautiful terrace houses and little street details.